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Yvonne's SeYVen Stellar Facts

Writer's picture:

If you have ever order anything from Instant Imprints in Louisville, Yvonne was the one behind the scene, one way or another, making your ideas become a reality. So this blog post is dedicated to the best employee in Louisville: Yvonne Manning!

1. She was born and raised in New York

*New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of!* ... Except, not that New York. Believe it or not, Yvonne is not from Colorado. Honestly, could have fooled me! She was actually born and raised in New York State until she eventually up and moved to Boulder. Now, she lives happily in Lafayette!

2. She's Norwegian

What?! There's NOrWAY! Yes, there is actually. Yvonne's heritage stems from the other side of the pond surrounded by mountains, the ocean and the northern lights. Norway is the birthplace of modern skiing and is where the noble prize is awarded. So basically Colorado, but with a few bonuses. If you play your cards right, you might even get to hear Yvonne speak Norwegian.

3. She loves to run

The only exercise I've done this months is running out of money. But not Yvonne, she does literal running! Honestly though, you can probably tell she's a runner because of how patient she is with every project and customer that she works with. So if you are ever looking for someone to run with, Yvonne is a great buddy. Here's a fun fact for all runners, according to a study in Arkansas, running actually makes you more attractive. So if you're on the search for that special someone, get running.

4. She loves Tom Petty

Yes, we know Tom, the hardest part is waiting and we've been waiting for this one. When you stop by the Louisville store, odds are classic rock will be playing on the radio. But if you're lucky, you will hear some of the best tunes from Mr. Tom Petty himself. We have Yvonne to thank for the awesome music we get to listen to! As a dedicated Tom Petty fan, Yvonne has been to many of his concerts, but more on that later.

5. She's been skydiving

This is my personal favorite. Yvonne is 100% a daredevil. On her list of accomplishments, next to rock climbing and running is skydiving. Remember how I said 'more on Tom Petty concerts later?' Well it's later and guess what. The same day Yvonne went skydiving, later that same day she went to a Tom Petty concert. Talk about a good day.

6. She's a mom of three

Most people know that being a mom is hard work. With waking the kids up, making breakfast and lunches, getting them to school, getting them to their after school activities, spending time with them, cleaning the house, making dinner, getting the kids to bed and do it all again the next day... being a mom is a full time job. And Yvonne has another full time job to go with it! So here's to you and all of your hard work.

7. She's never seen Harry Potter

No Ron, don't cry, it's okay she's starting to watch them now! Along with Harry Potter, Yvonne has also never seen the Marvel movies or the all of the Star Wars movies. But, not to worry, she made it her goal to get through all of the Harry Potter, Marvel and Star Wars movies from start to finish.

BONUS: 8. She's actually a superhero

All jokes aside, Yvonne is quite literally a superhero and Instant Imprints is lucky to have such a rockstar of a screen printer, store manager, customer service aficionado and all together a really great person to work with!



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